Eliza writes the "life" information of a specified AI agent—such as character files, memory, and keystore—into the blockchain (or DA layer) in near real-time. If the TEE node running the specified AI agent shuts down for any reason, another TEE node can download the AI agent's "life" data from the chain and resume its operation.
- Real-time Data Synchronization: Continuous syncing of AI agent state to blockchain
- Secure Data Storage: TEE-encrypted data storage on chain
- Seamless Recovery: Quick restoration of AI agent state on any TEE node
- Version Control: Ensures only compatible TEE versions can restore agents
Technical Details
Data Structure
- Character files
- Memory states
- Keystore information
- Runtime configurations
Synchronization Process
- State change detection
- Data encryption in TEE
- Blockchain transaction submission
- Confirmation and verification
Recovery Mechanism
- State verification
- Data decryption
- Environment preparation
- Agent restoration
interface OnChainDA {
// Write agent state to blockchain
writeState(agentId: string, state: AgentState): Promise<string>;
// Read agent state from blockchain
readState(agentId: string): Promise<AgentState>;
// Verify state integrity
verifyState(agentId: string, state: AgentState): Promise<boolean>;
Usage Example
// Initialize the plugin
const onChainDA = new OnChainDAPlugin();
// Write agent state
const state = {
character: characterData,
memory: memoryData,
keystore: keystoreData
const txHash = await onChainDA.writeState('agent-001', state);
// Read and restore agent state
const savedState = await onChainDA.readState('agent-001');
const isValid = await onChainDA.verifyState('agent-001', savedState);
# Sync interval in seconds
syncInterval: 60
# Maximum state size in MB
maxStateSize: 100
# Blockchain configuration
endpoint: ''
contract: '0x1234...'
Security Considerations
Data Protection
- TEE encryption
- Access control
- Version compatibility
State Management
- Atomic updates
- Consistency checks
- Rollback mechanisms
Network Security
- Secure RPC connections
- Rate limiting
- Error handling